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You are accessing a U.S. government information system, which includes (1) this U.S. government computer network, (2) all U.S. government computers connected to this network, and (3) all U.S. government devices and storage media attached to this network or to a U.S. government computer on this network. This information system is provided for the following U.S. government-authorized use only: to give registered users access to the Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) of the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). Anonymous user access is not authorized.

If you are a registered user, you may use EDIS to file documents with the USITC and to search for and view documents that have been filed with the USITC. You must comply with the EDIS Terms of Use Agreement, the USITC Handbook on Filing Procedures, the USITCs Rules of Practice and Procedure, and guidance posted on the EDIS website.

Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal penalties.

By using this information system, you understand and consent to the following:

  • The U.S. government, acting directly or through its contractors, routinely monitors communications occurring on this information system for traffic indicating known or suspected malicious cyber activity. Use of this information system constitutes consent to monitoring for such cybersecurity purposes only.
  • For the sole purpose of detecting, preventing, analyzing, investigating, responding to, and reporting on known or suspected malicious cyber activity, at any time, the U.S. government acting directly or through its contractors may monitor, intercept, record, audit, search, seize, use, and disclose to other U.S. government entities any communication or information stored on, transmitted or traveling to or from, or transiting this information system.