For one office products reseller (A) it's quite possible to be feeling upbeat about the business prospects and for another (B), it's quite possible to be feeling pretty beat-up and pessimistic about the future. The same industry and the same...
Office Products Resellers & Their Digital Transformation Challenges
Topics: Business Transformation, Social Media, Small Business, Web Traffic
Resellers, Local Markets & Revenue Growth Strategies
As readers of my blog will know, I'm a strong advocate for information technology and its role in helping achieve profitable sales growth in a local market. I'm an advocate because I don't think it's realistic for an independent office products or...
Topics: Business Transformation, E-commerce, Small Business, Web Traffic
Market Intelligence, Business Intelligence & Online Authority
The content we've been publishing over the last few weeks has been focused on the path for digitally transforming a business by deploying 21st-century marketing techniques designed for generating new and sustainable sources of web traffic. The...
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Small Business, Big Data
Mergers and Acquisitions News - HP & Samsung Announce Combination!
Like me, did you do a double take when you saw this news? Frankly, I'd have been less surprised if the headline had been the other way around! It wasn't long ago that I was writing about the lack of consolidation at the OEM level in the office...
Topics: Industry News, Mergers & Acquisitions
Office Supplies, The Reseller & Internet of Things
According to, The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a...
Topics: Business Transformation, E-commerce, Big Data
Social Media Audience Engagement & Development
Everyone loves numbers .. don't they? Well, no I don't think so, but regardless we all have to deal with them every day of our lives. I've blogged numerous times about the "science" of web traffic development and, as you must now know, that part of...
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, E-commerce, Web Traffic
Email marketing best practices, social, & blogging for web traffic
I've been blogging about website traffic development, customer churn and acquisition rates, responsive, content-rich websites, and inbound digital marketing. I promised a future post to take a dive into the numbers behind direct email marketing,...
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Web Traffic