This series of blogs started with an introductory article on the returns on investment from email marketing, widely reported to have the potential to be as much as 3,800%. However, I stressed these kinds of returns would remain out of reach for all...
Ian M. Elliott

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Office Products Resellers, Planning Email Campaigns & Strategy
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers, Buyer Personas and the Buyer's Journey
If you've followed the first two blogs in this series you'll know it may be possible to earn a 3,800% return on funds invested when operating amongst the elite of email marketers. However, to get up among the elite requires a whole bunch of email...
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers and the Foundation for Email Marketing
Obviously, you can't conduct email marketing campaigns without contacts but, once you have a list of contacts, what are some of the fundamental requirements to establish and maintain the foundation for effective email marketing?
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing
Office Products Resellers & The Importance of Email Marketing
Depending on who you talk to may depend on whether email marketing is considered obsolete or (at the other end of the scale) still the single most effective way to reach and engage with a relevant audience.
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Small Business, Web Traffic
15 Steps for Office Products Resellers to Transform their Business
Over the past few months one of our main blogging themes has been the topic of generating relevant traffic to office products resellers websites through the use of inbound digital marketing and to quantify the costs incurred and resources required...
Topics: Business Transformation
Internet of Things and the Opportunity for Office Products Resellers.
The office environment has changed significantly for many workers around the world as the impact of the internet, and the connectivity it facilitates, fundamentally changes the way we work. It used to be we had to go to the office to access files,...
Topics: Business Transformation, Information Technology, Industry News
Best Buy Leads The Way Successfully Competing With Amazon
It wasn't long ago and it seemed like everyone was writing off Best Buy - excess retail square footage, salespeople (if you could find them) more interested selling extended warranties than the right product or service. Combined with senior...
Topics: Business Transformation, E-commerce