Resilience and creative thinking are pre-requirements for a small office products reseller contemplating a path toward a digital business transformation. The stakes are high! Without digitization, the future for small independents is bleak. With it,...
Ian M. Elliott

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The Digital Solution for Transforming my Office Products Business!
Topics: Business Transformation
Budgeting the Digital Transformation for my Office Products Business!
In the first part of the story of our Amarillo-based office products reseller, we completed a self-assessment of the current status of the business and, in the second, we built a comprehensive set of performance goals necessary for accomplishing a...
Topics: Business Transformation, Business Planning, Small Business, Web Traffic
Setting Digital Performance Goals for my Office Products Business!
Today we're placing ourselves back in the shoes of our office products reseller. Previously we completed a self-assessment of the digital status of our Amarillo-based office products business and, in so doing, set the baseline to establish goals for...
Topics: Social Media, Business Planning, Small Business, Web Traffic
Self-Assessment of the Digital Status of my Office Products Business!
In the fall of 2016, I put myself in the shoes of an office products and supplies reseller in recounting the "story" of a dealership successfully embracing digital technology. As regular readers will already appreciate, it takes a lot of work to get...
Topics: Social Media, E-commerce, Small Business, Web Traffic
What Do Uber and Office Products Have in Common?
How could anyone think there's anything in common between Uber and Office Products? High-tech transportation versus ink, toner and paper clips! "I don't think so!", I hear you all saying. Well, hold on for a moment and think about the following.
Topics: Business Transformation, Small Business
11 Requirements To Get Traction With Your Digital Transformation!
The internet has been the catalyst for a major change in the sales process. Underlying this change is the buyers access to unlimited sources of information before having to engage with a salesperson. This is a fundamental change from the days when...
Topics: Business Transformation, Information Technology, Web Traffic
Where must resellers in the office supply industry focus?
Our blogging focus has been to analyze the office products industry while placing a strong emphasis on the aftermarket office supplies segment. Office products is a big, mature industry, where the largest players exert significant control over the...
Topics: Business Transformation