If you're an Office Products Reseller and wondering why your email campaigns don't provide the kind of results the headlines may lead you to anticipate, then this series of blogs explaining what you need to do to join the elite digital marketers who...
Office Products Resellers, Email Marketing & Execution
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Small Business, Web Traffic
Email Marketing Strategy, Database Decay and How to Manage It
Email contact databases degrade by an average of 22.5% every year.
It’s imperative to implement a strategy to make up for these lost contacts.
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers, Planning Email Campaigns & Strategy
This series of blogs started with an introductory article on the returns on investment from email marketing, widely reported to have the potential to be as much as 3,800%. However, I stressed these kinds of returns would remain out of reach for all...
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers, Buyer Personas and the Buyer's Journey
If you've followed the first two blogs in this series you'll know it may be possible to earn a 3,800% return on funds invested when operating amongst the elite of email marketers. However, to get up among the elite requires a whole bunch of email...
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers and the Foundation for Email Marketing
Obviously, you can't conduct email marketing campaigns without contacts but, once you have a list of contacts, what are some of the fundamental requirements to establish and maintain the foundation for effective email marketing?
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing
Office Products Resellers & The Importance of Email Marketing
Depending on who you talk to may depend on whether email marketing is considered obsolete or (at the other end of the scale) still the single most effective way to reach and engage with a relevant audience.
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Social Media, Small Business, Web Traffic
Market Intelligence, Business Intelligence & Online Authority
The content we've been publishing over the last few weeks has been focused on the path for digitally transforming a business by deploying 21st-century marketing techniques designed for generating new and sustainable sources of web traffic. The...
Topics: Business Transformation, Inbound Marketing, Small Business, Big Data