I've just concluded a mini-marathon series of blogs that attempted to provide a detailed overview of the workings of the office supplies component of the office products industry. It's a big, complex industry and there's nothing simple about a ...
Ian M. Elliott

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Office Products & Supplies - M&A and The Big Picture
Topics: Business Transformation, Social Media, Industry News
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part VIII)
During this series of blogs I've explained the aftermarket tipping point, explored scenarios for the OEM and aftermarket manufacturer merger endgames, the reseller merger endgame, the consumer product adoption curve as it relates to aftermarket ink...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Small Business
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part VII)
With the emergence of the Chinese aftermarket ink and toner manufacturing superpowers, I anticipate new battles for market share will take place between the OEM and aftermarket brands. In this, the seventh part of the current series of blogs, I'm...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Small Business
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part VI)
The market shares between OEM and aftermarket have been unchanged for many years. In this blog, the sixth in a multi-part series, I'm going to explain about the ink and toner product life cycle and the consumer adoption curve as it relates to...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Mergers & Acquisitions
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part V)
Most industries experience consolidation - there are few exceptions and the office products and supplies industry is certainly not one of them. In this blog, the fifth in a multi-part series, I'm going to summarize the office products and supplies...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Mergers & Acquisitions
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part IV)
Most industries experience consolidation - there are few exceptions and the office products and supplies industry is certainly not one of them. In this blog, the fourth in a multi-part series, I'm going to explore some scenarios for the reseller's...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Mergers & Acquisitions
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part III)
Most industries experience consolidation - there are few exceptions and the office products and supplies industry is certainly not one of them. In Part I of this series I explained my rationale for believing the aftermarket had passed a significant...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Mergers & Acquisitions