In this article, the fourth of a seven-part series, I'm going to explain the importance of website traffic, how it's measured, how it can be managed, and its development motivated. For small business owners, just like winning a new customer is hard...
Office Products Resellers, their Websites and their Lack of Traffic
Topics: Business Transformation, Small Business, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers, their Websites and the Role of Backlinks
In this article, the third of a seven-part series, I'm going to explain what backlinks are and why they play such an important role in the development of web traffic to office products resellers websites. Put in the simplest terms, backlinks are...
Topics: Business Transformation, Small Business, Web Traffic
Office Products Resellers & Their Sub-Par Website Grades
In this article, the second part of a seven-part series, I'm going to identify the deficiencies of a typical office products resellers website, explain how it can be graded, what must be worked on to improve its grade and, finally, why it's so...
Topics: Business Transformation, Small Business, Web Traffic
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part VIII)
During this series of blogs I've explained the aftermarket tipping point, explored scenarios for the OEM and aftermarket manufacturer merger endgames, the reseller merger endgame, the consumer product adoption curve as it relates to aftermarket ink...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Small Business
The Aftermarket, Office Supplies and a Major Tipping Point (Part VII)
With the emergence of the Chinese aftermarket ink and toner manufacturing superpowers, I anticipate new battles for market share will take place between the OEM and aftermarket brands. In this, the seventh part of the current series of blogs, I'm...
Topics: Business Transformation, Industry News, Small Business
Amazon, Marketplace Sellers, and Office Products
Is the Amazon Marketplace a healthy business environment for resellers or not? This is an important question that needs to be addressed and better understood by all merchants, not just those involved in the office products and supplies vertical. The...
Topics: Business Transformation, E-commerce, Small Business, Web Traffic
Office Supplies, Resellers & Their Value Proposition
So, I'm a (fictitious) office products reseller that recently worked an opportunity to develop a proposal for a new prospect that buys around $10,000 of office products and supplies a year. Now, about 60% of this spend is on paper, pens, binder,...
Topics: Business Transformation, Social Media, Small Business, Web Traffic